The 10 Most Ridiculous Excuses We’ve Used to Buy More Craft Supplies

The 10 Most Ridiculous Excuses We’ve Used to Buy More Craft Supplies

Let’s be honest - crafting isn’t just a hobby; it’s a way of life. And with that lifestyle comes the undeniable need to constantly stock up on supplies, even when we already have an entire room (or house) overflowing with them.

But we can’t just admit that we’re hopelessly addicted to craft shopping - we have to justify it. 

Here are the top 10 excuses we’ve all used to buy more craft supplies. No judgment - just solidarity. Maybe you can relate to some of these? We would love to know in the comments!

1. “But I don’t have this exact shade of blue.”

paint in various shades of blue

Sure, you already have 17 other shades of blue, but this one is slightly different. And by slightly, we mean barely. But still, it’s necessary.

2. “I might need it for a future project.”

pile of fabric fat quarters

Will you? Won’t you? Who knows! But better to be prepared, just in case inspiration strikes in 2037. You'll remember right where it is, right when you need it - and that time will definitely come (right?).

Side note: this reasoning is also applicable to taking things out of friends and family members’ recycling bins.

Check out our "Craft PhD: Projects Half Done" sweatshirt

3. “It was on sale, and I’m making it instead of buying, so technically I saved money.”

Joanns receipt on wood

Craft math: Spending money on discounted supplies + time invested = saving money. Exactly how long is that JoAnn receipt? Let's unfold it and find out.

4. “I saw someone on TikTok do this! Everyone is trying it, and it’s so easy.”

Because if it worked in a 15-second video, it must be easy, right? We all know how this ends… a half-finished project, a mess you didn’t anticipate, and the slow realization that the tutorial lied.

5. “You can never have too much glitter.”

glitter in several colors

This is something you tell yourself in the Michaels checkout line, then say to your husband later as you are casually walking away with a dismissive hand in the air. Glitter is amazing! (Your carpet, clothes, and unsuspecting pets might disagree.)

Check out our "If Glitter is Wrong I Don't Want to be Right" hoodie

6. “I need a backup . . . and a backup for the backup.”

Four pairs of Fiskars scissors

Because what if the first one breaks? Or you misplace it? Or you suddenly need to make 500 of something? Right now I have six hot glue guns sitting in a drawer in my craft room. And as you can see, four pairs of the same Fiskars scissors. Oops.

7. “It’s cheaper than therapy.”

woman wearing a crafting is cheaper than therapy shirt

Honestly, this one is probably true. Glue guns and yarn are cheaper than a therapist’s hourly rate. An aperol spritz fueled fabric shopping spree on Spoonflower? Debatable.

Get our Crafting is Cheaper Than Therapy t-shirt or sweatshirt. Sewing is cheaper than therapy too!

8. “I need this for my side hustle.”

clay jewelry supplies

Never mind that your side hustle currently consists of hoarding supplies and thinking about making things to sell. I’m just going to ask the question, and you don’t have to answer out loud – have you sold anything yet?

Pictured: clay jewelry making supplies purchased for a "side hustle" that never happened.

9. “I need it for my craft room aesthetic.”

craft room shelves

Sure, you might not actually use it, but it looks great on the shelf. I don't know about you, but I like to look around my craft room and enjoy lots of cute containers of supplies (as well as favorite toys and such).

Having said that . . . when supplies are starting to stack on shelves - maybe it's time to dial it back? Note I said "maybe."

10. “But I need this for a craft night with the girls!”

origami kits on sale at an endcap at joanns

You haven’t actually planned one, but if you do, you’ll be prepared with 12 origami kits that you *had* to buy because they were on sale. Turns out that bag of 12 kits also makes an amazing door stop in your craft room!


At the end of the day, crafting is about creativity, self-expression, and, yes, justifying an ever-growing stash of supplies. So the next time you find yourself at checkout with an overflowing cart, just remember: we support you.

Now, if you’ll excuse us, there’s a sale happening at the craft store, and we absolutely need to go.

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